Table: Intelligent Item Purpose
d% |
Purpose |
01–20 |
Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment1 |
21–30 |
Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including magic-using monsters) |
31–40 |
Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) |
41–50 |
Defeat/slay nonspellcasters |
51–55 |
Defeat/slay a particular creature type |
56–60 |
Defeat/slay a particular race or kind of creature |
61–70 |
Defend a particular race or kind of creature |
71–80 |
Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity |
81–90 |
Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity |
91–95 |
Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) |
96–100 |
Other |
1 The purpose of the neutral (N) version of this item is to preserve the balance by defeating/slaying powerful beings of the extreme alignments (LG, LE, CG, CE). |