Table: Intelligent Item Awesome Powers
d% |
Awesome Power |
Uses |
01–04 |
1/day |
05–08 |
Bull’s strength (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Strength) |
1/day |
09–12 |
Cat’s grace (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity) |
1/day |
13–16 |
Chain lightning (enhanced; 20d6 damage; DC 161) |
1/day |
17–20 |
Dominate monster (DC 19 1) on contact |
1/day |
21–24 |
Bear’s endurance (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution) |
1/day |
25–28 |
Energy drain (DC 19 1) on contact |
1/day |
29–32 |
Finger of death (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) |
1/day |
33–36 |
Foresight (wielder only) |
1/day |
37–40 |
1/day |
41–44 |
Haste (wielder only; extended; 40-round duration) |
3/day |
45–48 |
Greater invisibility (wielder only; extended; 40-minute duration) |
2/day |
49–52 |
1/day |
53–56 |
Meteor swarm (DC 191) |
1/day |
57–60 |
2/day |
61–64 |
Prismatic sphere (DC 191) |
1/day |
65–68 |
Stoneskin (wielder only; extended; 400-minute duration) |
3/day |
69–72 |
Summon monster IX 2 (extended; 40-round duration) |
1/day |
73–76 |
Sunburst (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) |
2/day |
77–80 |
2/day |
81–90 |
Roll twice again on this table |
— |
91–100 |
Roll again on this table, and then roll for a special purpose on nonepic magic item Table: Intelligent Item Purpose. |
— |
1 Choose an ability score of the item (usually the highest) at the time the item is created or randomly generated. Add that ability’s bonus to the listed DC. |
2 The weapon can only summon monsters whose alignment has no components that oppose the item’s alignment. |
Unless otherwise stated, all awesome powers function at 20th caster level. If a power is rolled twice, the uses per day are doubled. Powers function only when the item is drawn and held, and the possessor is concentrating upon the desired effect. Activating a power is a standard action. An intelligent item might activate a power on its own.