d20 LogoSystem Reference Document v3.5

Unearthed Arcana


Dragon, Black
Dragon, Blue
Dragon, Brass
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Copper
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Silver
Dragon, White
Elemental, Air
Elemental, Earth
Elemental, Fire
Elemental, Water
Genie, Djinni
Genie, Efreeti
Genie, janni
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Fire
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Giant, Storm
pict Random Bloodline Determination
Creating other Bloodlines

Every so often, an individual is born who stands out a little from the rest of his people. This individual displays characteristics associated with a different kind of creature, such as a dragon, giant, celestial, or demon. Such a character is said to have a bloodline.

Bloodlines can exist for any of a number of reasons. Perhaps the character has an unusual ancestor, such as a dragon who took alternate form to live among humans or elves. The character might be a throwback to an earlier age, when all species were more closely related. The bloodline might be the result of unusual supernatural energies present during conception, pregnancy, or birth. It could also be an omen sent by the gods, part of an ancient prophecy or dire legend.

Bloodline Strength And Source

Every bloodline has both a source (the kind of creature from which its characteristics are drawn) and a strength (minor, intermediate, or major). The stronger the bloodline, the more potent the traits and benefits granted by it.

Every source has a minor bloodline associated with it. A minor bloodline doesn't alter a character much, and thus don't represent a very significant power increase over an ordinary character. In some cases, the only bloodline associated with a source is minor. This is most often true of sources derived from relatively weak creatures such as minotaurs or hags.

Many sources also have intermediate bloodlines. These affect the character's power level more drastically, and come from more potent races, such as elementals, and many dragons and giants.

Major bloodlines only come from the most powerful and primal of sources, including celestials, demons, devils, and the mightiest of dragons. A character with a major bloodline is a potent scion of his ancestor, displaying significant powers and abilities.

Bloodline Levels

Over the course of his career, a character with a bloodline becomes more powerful than one without a bloodline. Because the power gain is gradual over a span of twenty levels, a static level adjustment doesn't truly reflect this difference. Instead, a bloodline character must take one or more levels of "bloodline" at various points in his career, as noted on Table: Bloodline Levels. Before a character with a bloodline reaches the indicated character level, he must take one class level of "bloodline." Class levels of "bloodline" do not increase a character's character level the way a normal class level does, but they do provide certain benefits (see below).

Table: Bloodline Levels
Bloodline Level ----Bloodline Strength----
Minor Intermediate Major

If the character does not take a class level of bloodline before reaching the character level indicated on the table, he gains no further bloodline traits and must take a 20% penalty on all future XP gains. As soon as he meets the minimum bloodline level, he gains all bloodline abilities due him according to his character level, and the XP penalty no longer applies.

For example, A 1st-level character with a major bloodline (silver dragon) receives a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks as a bloodline trait. When he reaches 2nd character level, he gains the Alertness feat as a bloodline trait. Before he reaches 3rd character level, he must take a level of bloodline in order to continue gaining bloodline traits. if he reaches 3rd character level and has no bloodline levels, he does not gain the bloodline trait due him at 3rd character level (Strength +1) and must take a 20% reduction on all future XP gains. If he later meets the minimum required bloodline levels, he gains his 3rd-level trait at that time (as well as any other traits he may have failed to receive for not taking his bloodline level right away), and the XP reduction no longer applies to future gains. Before reaching his 6th character level, he must have taken two levels of bloodline in order to keep gaining bloodline traits. If he takes his third bloodline level before reaching 12th character level, he becomes eligible to gain all the traits of his bloodline (as they become available when he reaches new character levels).

A bloodline level grants no increase in base attack bonus or base save bonuses, no hit points or skill points, and no class features. It counts as a normal class level (with no class skills) for the purpose of determining maximum skill ranks. Levels of bloodline never result in XP penalties for multiclass characters.

Include the character's bloodline level when calculating any character ability based on his class levels (such as caster level for spellcasting characters, or save DCs for characters with special abilities whose DCs are based on class level). The character doesn't gain any abilities, spells known, or spells per day from the addition of his bloodline levels, though—only the calculations of his level-based abilities are affected.

If a character has levels in two or more classes in addition to his bloodline levels, each class gains the benefit of adding the bloodline levels when calculating abilities.

For example, a 2nd-level sorcerer with a major bloodline takes a bloodline level when earns enough XP to advance in level. He is treated as a 3rd-level spellcaster for the purpose of spell durations, caster level checks, and so forth. But he doesn't gain a 3rd-level sorcerer's spells per day or spells known.

Similarly, the stunning attacks of a 3rd-level monk with one bloodline level have a save DC equal to 12 (10 + one-half class level) plus her Wisdom modifier, since the bloodline level is treated as if it were a monk class level when calculating the save DC. A 3rd-level monk/3rd-level sorcerer with two bloodline levels would be treated as a 5th-level spellcaster and a 5th-level monk for determining level-based abilities.

Bloodline Traits

Depending on the strength of a character's bloodline, he gains a new bloodline trait every one, two, or four character levels (or effective character levels, for characters with a level adjustment greater than +0). The traits gained are given in each bloodline description.

Bloodline Trait Descriptions
Bloodline traits fall into four categories.

Ability Boost: You gain a permanent +1 increase to the given ability score. This is similar to the ability increase gained by characters at every fourth level.

Bloodline Affinity: You gain a bonus (either +2, +4, or +6) on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with creatures of your bloodline.

Skill Boost: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made with the given skill.

Special: You gain a special ability. Common bloodline special abilities include bonus feats, natural armor, special attacks (such as the ability to smite evil or smite good), special qualities (such as resistance to energy, spell resistance, or scent), or spell-like abilities.

If you already have a feat that a bloodline provides as a bonus feat, you may choose a different feat. For example, the minor celestial bloodline grants Alertness as a bonus feat at 8th level, If a character with this bloodline already has Alertness by the time he reaches 8th level, he can choose any other feat instead (subject to normal prerequisites, of course).

Bloodline Descriptions

Each description below includes some basic information to help the player and game master incorporate the bloodline into the campaign, including potential origins and minor characteristics to help flesh out the character. The description also provides the bloodline traits gained at particular character levels.


A character with a celestial bloodline can trace her heritage to beings of the Upper Planes, much like an aasimar or celestial creature. Most angels, archons, guardinals, and eladrins have the ability to interbreed with humanoids, and examples of celestial creatures descending from the heavens to live with mortals often appear in myth and legend. Descendants of such relationships often have silver or golden hair, a proud bearing, or a piercing stare.

Celstial Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with celestials.
  2. You can smite an evil creature with a melee attack as a paladin of your character level once per day.
1st——+2 on Sense Motive checks
2nd—+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertness
3rd——Wisdom +1
4th+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertnessProtection from evil 1/day (Sp)
5th——Celestial affinity +21
6th—Wisdom +1Smite evil 1/day (Su)2
7th——+2 on Concentration checks
8thAlertnessProtection from evil 1/day (Sp)Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
9th——Charisma +1
10th—Celestial affinity +21+2 on saves against poison (Ex)
11th——Celestial affinity +41
12thWisdom +1Smite evil 1/day (Su)2Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Listen checks
14th—+2 on Concentration checksImproved Initiative
15th——Constitution +1
16thProtection from evil 1/day (Sp)Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
17th——Celestial affinity +61
18th—Charisma +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Spot checks
20thCelestial affinity +21+2 on saves against poison (Ex)Damage reduction 5/evil


A character with a demon bloodline has one or more ancestors of demonic origin. The most common source of such a bloodline is a succubus, but any demon capable of taking humanoid form might be responsible for the character's unusual traits. Characters with a demon bloodline may bear some minor characteristic reminiscent of such an ancestor: sinister glowing eyes, a faint smell of brimstone, or a love of brutality.

Demon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with demons.
  2. You can smite a good creature with a melee attack as a blackguard of your character level once per day.
1st——+2 on Move Silently checks
2nd—+2 on Move Silently checksPower Attack
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Move Silently checksPower AttackResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
5th——Demon affinity +21
6th—Strength +1Smite good 1/day (Su)2
7th——+2 on Hide checks
8thPower AttackResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Demon affinity +21+2 on saves against poison
11th——Demon affinity +41
12thStrength +1Smite good 1/day (Su)2Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Intimidate checks
14th—+2 on Hide checksCleave
15th——Charisma +1
16thResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
17th——Demon affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Spot checks
20thDemon affinity +21+2 on saves against poison (Ex)Damage reduction 5/good


For a character with a devil bloodline, an erinyes is often the source. However, other devils with the ability to use a polymorph effect, such as gelugons or pit fiends, have been known to consort with mortals. A character with this bloodline may also possess tiny horns or unusually sharp teeth.

Devil Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with devils.
  2. You can smite a good creature with a melee attack as a blackguard of your character level once per day.
1st——+2 on Bluff checks
2nd—+2 on Bluff checksDodge
3rd——Charisma +1
4th+2 on Bluff checksDodgeDarkness 1/day (Sp)
5th——Devil affinity +21
6th—Charisma +1Smite good 1/day (Su)2
7th——+2 on Diplomacy checks
8thDodgeDarkness 1/day (Sp)Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Devil affinity +21+2 on saves against poison (Ex)
11th——Devil affinity +41
12thCharisma +1Smite good 1/day (Su)2Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Search checks
14th—+2 on Diplomacy checksAlertness
15th——Intelligence +1
16thDarkness 1/day (Sp)Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
17th——Devil affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Listen checks
20thDevil affinity +21+2 on saves against poison (Ex)Damage reduction 5/good


The ultimate humanoid shapechanger, a doppelganger can be anyone, anywhere, at any time. It's easy to imagine even a single doppelganger being responsible for a plethora of offspring tainted with shapechanging powers.

Doppelganger Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with doppelgangers.
4th+2 on Disguise checks
8thAlter self 1/day (Sp)
12thCharisma +1
16thDetect thoughts 1/day (Sp)
20thDoppelganger affinity +21


The sinister black dragon occasionally makes a close "alliance" with a like-minded humanoid, and that can lead to a black dragon bloodline. A character with this bloodline shares his ancestor's cunning and malevolence, and may have a sunken, almost skeletal appearance to his face.

Black Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with black dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
2nd—+2 on Swim checks
4th+2 on Swim checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to acid 5 (Ex)
10th—Black dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Hide checks
16thResistance to acid 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thBlack dragon affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2


In times long past, blue dragons often interacted with the kings and queens of great desert empires. The bloodlines created by such intermingling were treated as a mark of royalty, though such empires have long since vanished. An individual bearing a blue dragon bloodline tends to be territorial and may smell faintly of ozone.

Blue Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with blue dragons.
2nd—+2 on Bluff checks
4th+2 on Bluff checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
10th—Blue dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Sense Motive checks
16thResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to electricity 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thBlue dragon affinity +21Create/destroy water 1/day (Sp)


pictBards tell a popular tale of a lost desert traveler encountering a friendly woman who nurses him back to health before putting him on the path home. in the tale, this helpful individual turns out to be a powerful brass dragon who merely wants someone to talk to, and who, many months later, gives birth to a half-dragon child. The descendants of this chance encounter are often talkative and friendly.

Brass Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with brass dragons.
2nd—+2 on Gather Information checks
4th+2 on Gather Information checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to fire 5 (Ex)
10th—Brass dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Bluff checks
16thResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thBrass dragon affinity +21Speak with animals 1/day (Sp)


With its innate ability to take on humanoid form, coupled with a natural inquisitiveness, it is common for the bronze dragon to give rise to lines of creatures carrying its bloodline. These descendants tend to share the bronze dragon's curiosity as well as its love for the water.

Bronze Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with bronze dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
2nd—+2 on Swim checks
4th+2 on Swim checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
10th—Bronze dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Sense Motive checks
16thResistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to electricity 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thBronze dragon affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2


When the playful copper dragon meets a like-minded creature, a long-term friendship is often struck. The result of such a relationship can give rise to a long line of dragon-blooded individuals. Such characters often share the copper dragon's incorrigible nature, but may also be a bit miserly.

Copper Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with copper dragons.
2nd—+2 on Perform checks
4th+2 on Perform checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to acid 5 (Ex)
10th—Copper dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Bluff checks
16thResistance to acid 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thCopper dragon affinity +21Spider climb 1/day (Sp)


Gold dragons occasionally take more than a passing interest in mortals. Thanks to their ability to polymorph, some leave a lasting reminder of their presence in the form of a half-dragon child. Even many generations later, this draconic blood can manifest in the form of bloodline traits. Descendants of a gold dragon tend to get along well with other good-aligned creatures, displaying uncommon grace and courtesy.

Gold Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with gold dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
  3. 30-ft. cone of fire; 6d8 damage; Reflex half (DC 10 + one half HD + Con modifier).
1st——+2 on Sense Motive checks
2nd—+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertness
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertnessResistance to fire 5 (Ex)
5th——Gold dragon affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Heal checks
8thAlertnessResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Gold dragon affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2
11th——Gold dragon affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor+1 to natural armor
13th——+2 on Swim checks
14th—+2 on Heal checksPower Attack
15th——Intelligence +1
16thResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)Breath weapon (Ex)3
17th——Gold dragon affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on jump checks
20thGold dragon affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2Immunity to fire (Ex)


In certain rare instances, green dragons have been known to take control of (rather than simply devour) small enclaves of forest-dwelling humanoids. Some of those humanoids later give birth to half-dragon offspring, creating bloodlines that last centuries. Descendants of a green dragon are often voracious and belligerent, picking fights with little or no provocation.

Green Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with green dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
2nd—+2 on Move Silently checks
4th+2 on Move Silently checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to acid 5 (Ex)
loth—Green dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Bluff checks
16thResistance to acid 5 (Ex)Resistance to acid 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thGreen dragon affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2


Though most evil dragons don't enjoy friendly relationships with humanoids, red dragons do occasionally spawn bloodlines among humanoids. Such descendants exhibit extraordinary powers beyond those of their people. A character with a red dragon bloodline is usually covetous and vain, and may smell faintly of smoke.

Red Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy. Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with red dragons.
  2. 30-ft. cone of fire; 6d8 damage; Reflex half (DC 10 + one-half HD + Con modifier).
1st——+2 on Bluff checks
2nd—+2 on Bluff checksAlertness
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Bluff checksAlertnessResistance to fire 5 (Ex)
5th——Red dragon affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Intimidate checks
8thAlertnessResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Red dragon affinity +21Locate object 1/day (Sp)
11th——Red dragon affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor+1 to natural armor
13th——+2 on Appraise checks
14th—+2 on Intimidate checksPower Attack
15th——Charisma +1
16thResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)Breath weapon (Ex)2
17th——Red dragon affinity +61
18th—Constitution +11 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Jump checks
20thRed dragon affinity +21Locate object 1/day (Sp)Immunity to fire (Ex)


Silver dragons are perhaps most likely of all dragons to have taken humanoid companions, and thus this is the most common dragon bloodline. Characters of the silver dragon bloodline tend to be regal and statuesque.

Silver Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with silver dragons.
  2. 30-ft. cone of cold; 6d8 damage; Reflex half (DC 10 + one-half HD + Con modifier).
1st——+2 on Sense Motive checks
2nd—+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertness
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Sense Motive checksAlertnessResistance to cold 5 (Ex)
5th——Silver dragon affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Perform checks
8thAlertnessResistance to cold 5 (Ex)Resistance to cold 10 (Ex)
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Silver dragon affinity +21Alter self 1/day (Sp)
11th——Silver dragon affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor+1 to natural armor
13th——+2 on Bluff checks
14th—+2 on Perform checksPower Attack
15th——Charisma +1
16thResistance to cold 5 (Ex)Resistance to cold 10 (Ex)Breath weapon (Ex)2
17th——Silver dragon affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Jump checks
20thSilver dragon affinity +21Alter self 1/day (Sp)Immunity to cold (Ex)


Some arctic tribes have managed to bargain with nearby white dragons, trading food and occasional sacrifices for protection from their enemies. These alliances can result in dragon-blooded descendants, who tend to mimic the single-minded ferocity of their forebears.

White Dragon Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with white dragons.
  2. As spider climb, but the surface must be icy.
2nd—+2 on Hide checks
4th+2 on Hide checksAlertness
6th—Strength +1
8thAlertnessResistance to cold 5 (Ex)
10th—White dragon affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Swim checks
16thResistance to cold 5 (Ex)Resistance to cold 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thWhite dragon affinity +21Icewalking 1/day (Ex)2


Similar to but less specific than a djinni bloodline (see below), the air elemental bloodline derives its power from a connection to the Elemental Plane of Air. Characters with air elemental bloodlines tend to shift between emotions with surprising quickness, and may have hair or skin tinged with light blue.

Air Elemental Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with air elementals.
  2. As the air elemental special ability.
2nd—+2 on Balance checks
4th+2 on Balance checksImproved Initiative
6th—Dexterity +1
8thImproved InitiativeGust of wind 1/day (Sp)
10th—Air elemental affinity +21
12thDexterity +1Weapon Finesse
14th—+2 on Spot checks
16thGust of wind 1/day (Sp)Air mastery (Ex)2
18th—Constitution +1
20thAir elemental affinity +21Flyby Attack


Creatures that bear a bloodline of elemental earth feel a sense of gravity and stability that ties them to the stones of the world. They have a palpable sense of inertia about them, which sometimes manifests as a slowness to take action.

Earth Elemental Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with earth elementals.
  2. As the earth elemental special ability.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower AttackMeld into stone 1/day (Sp)
10th—Earth elemental affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Listen checks
16thMeld into stone 1/day (Sp)Earth mastery (Ex)2
18th—Constitution +1
20thEarth elemental affinity +21Improved Sunder


Those who bear elemental fire within their veins are often high-strung and quick-tempered. Their eyes often seem to glow like embers, and their skin may take on a reddish hue.

Fire Elemental Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with fire elementals.
2nd—+2 on Tumble checks
4th+2 on Tumble checksDodge
6th—Dexterity +1
8thDodgePyrotechnics 1/day (Sp)
10th—Fire elemental affinity +21
12thDexterity +1Mobility
14th—+2 on Listen checks
16thPyrotechnics 1/day (Sp)Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
18th—Constitution +1
20thFire elemental affinity +21Spring Attack


The bloodline of elemental water is most common among the water-breathing races, but it also manifests among sailors and fishermen, and even the occasional character with no link whatsoever to oceans, seas, or large lakes. Such characters are often independent minded, and generally don't live in any one place for very long.

Water Elemental Bloodline Trait

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with water elementals.
  2. Or +30 ft. to existing swim speed.
2nd—+2 on Swim checks
4th+2 on Swim checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower AttackFog cloud 1/day (Sp)
10th—Water elemental affinity +21
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Spot checks
16thFog cloud 1/day (Sp)Swim 30 ft.2
18th—Constitution +1
20thWater elemental affinity +21Improved Bull Rush


Every culture tells stories of fey creatures taking mortal lovers, so it's no surprise that individuals display fey bloodlines from time to time. Regardless of whether it descended from a dryad, nymph, satyr, or other kind of fey, a creature with a fey bloodline often has a personality that is both aloof and carefree.

Fey Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with fey.
1st——+2 on Hide checks
2nd—+2 on Hide checksIron Will
3rd——Charisma +1
4th+2 on Hide checksIron WillCharm person 1/day (Sp)
5th——Fey affinity +21
6th—Charisma +1Low-light vision
7th——+2 on Move Silently checks
8thIron WillCharm person 1/day (Sp)Alertness
9th——Dexterity +1
10th—Fey affinity +21Speak with animals 1/day (Sp)
11th——Fey affinity +41
12thCharisma +1Low-light visionInvisibility 1/day (Sp)
13th——+2 on Perform checks
14th—+2 on Move Silently checksDamage reduction 1/cold iron
15th——Wisdom +1
16thCharm person 1/day (Sp)AlertnessDeep slumber 1/day (Sp)
17th——Fey affinity +61
18th—Dexterity +1Speak with plants 1/day (Sp)
19th——+2 on Bluff checks
20thFey affinity +21Speak with animals 1/day (Sp)Damage reduction 5/cold iron


Though few sages put much stock in myths that humanoids and genies share a common ancestor, there is no denying that the races are very similar in form. Characters with a djinni bloodline are often haughty but display great guile.

Djinni Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with djinn.
1st——+2 on Concentration checks
2nd—+2 on Concentration checksImproved Initiative
3rd——Dexterity +1
4th+2 on Concentration checksImproved InitiativeResistance to acid 5 (Ex)
5th——Djinni affinity +21
6th—Dexterity +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Knowledge (the planes) checks
8thImproved InitiativeResistance to acid 5 (Ex)Dodge
9th——Wisdom +1
10th—Djinni affinity +21Invisibility 1/day (Sp)
11th——Djinni affinity +41
12thDexterity +1+1 to natural armorResistance to acid 10 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Appraise checks
14th—+2 on Knowledge (the planes) checksCreate food and water 1/day (Sp)
15th——Strength +1
16thResistance to acid 5 (Ex)DodgeGaseous form 1/week (Sp)
17th——Djinni affinity +61
18th—Wisdom +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Sense Motive checks
20thDjinni affinity +21Invisibility 1/day (Sp)Immunity to acid (Ex)


Characters with the bloodline of the efreet are most likely descended from slaves of that terrible and powerful race. They typically have reddish skin and a cruel disposition, and may display tiny horns or bronze-colored eyes.

Efreeti Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with efreet.
1st——+2 on Bluff checks
2nd—+2 on Bluff checksImproved Initiative
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Bluff checksImproved InitiativeResistance to fire 5 (Ex)
5th——Efreeti affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Knowledge (the planes) checks
8thImproved InitiativeResistance to fire 5 (Ex)Dodge
9th——Charisma +1
10th—Efreeti affinity +21Produce flame 1/day (Sp)
11th——Efreeti affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armorResistance to fire 10 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Concentration checks
14th—+2 on Knowledge (the planes) checksScorching ray 1/day (Sp)
15th——Dexterity +1
16thResistance to fire 5 (Ex)DodgeWall of fire 1/week (Sp)
17th——Efreeti affinity +61
18th—Charisma +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Intimidate checks
20thEfreeti affinity +21Produce flame 1/day (Sp)Immunity to fire (Ex)


As natural wanderers of the Material Plane, the only thing surprising about janni bloodlines may be that there aren't more of them. A creature who bears the janni bloodline tends to be a couple inches taller than normal for his race, standing with a proud and regal posture. He may also share the janni's nomadic behavior.

Janni Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with jann.
4th+2 on Appraise checks
8thImproved Initiative
12thWisdom +1
16thInvisibility 1/day (Sp)
20thJanni affinity +21


pictIn ages past, giants mingled more freely with smaller humanoids. Today, the evidence of such relationships is rare at best. Characters with bloodlines of the lesser evil giants (hill, frost, and fire) may be the result of voluntary or involuntary breeding with the greatfolk. Bloodlines of stone, cloud, or storm giants, on the other hand, are more likely the results of long-ago alliances between those races and the ancient nobility of the world. In any event, characters bearing giant bloodlines tend to be massive for their race, and often share characteristics (skin and hair color, attitudes, and such) with their ancestor.

An intermediate bloodline can only be taken for cloud giants, fire giants, frost giants, stone giants, and storm giants. A major bloodline can only be taken for storm giants.

Cloud Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with cloud giants.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower Attack+1 to natural armor
10th—Cloud giant affinity +21
12thStrength +1Obscuring mist 1/day (Sp)
14th—+2 on Jump checks
16th+1 to natural armorImproved Bull Rush
18th—Constitution +1
20thCloud giant affinity +21Scent (Ex)

Fire Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with fire giants.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower Attack+1 to natural armor
10th—Fire giant affinity +21
12thStrength +1Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)
14th—+2 on Jump checks
16th+1 to natural armorCleave
18th—Constitution +1
20thFire giant affinity +21Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)

Frost Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with frost giants.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower Attack+1 to natural armor
10th—Frost giant affinity +21
12thStrength +1Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
14th—+2 on Jump checks
16th+1 to natural armorImproved Sunder
18th—Constitution +1
20thFrost giant affinity +21Resistance to cold 10 (Ex)

Hill Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with hill giants.
4th+2 on Climb checks
8thPower Attack
12thStrength +1
16th+1 to natural armor
20thHill giant affinity +21

Stone Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with stone giants.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPoint Blank Shot
6th—Strength +1
8thPoint Blank Shot+1 to natural armor
10th—Stone giant affinity +21
12thStrength +1Stone shape 1/week (Sp)
14th—+2 on Jump checks
16th+1 to natural armorCombat Reflexes
18th—Constitution +1
20thStone giant affinity +21+1 to natural armor

Storm Giant Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with storm giants.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
1st——+2 on Climb checks
2nd—+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack+1 to natural armor
5th——Storm giant affinity +21
6th—Strength +1Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
7th——+2 on Jump checks
8thPower Attack+1 to natural armorCleave
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Storm giant affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2
11th——Storm giant affinity +41
12thStrength +1Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Resistance to electricity 10 (Ex)
13th——+2 on Swim checks
14th—+2 on Jump checksCall lightning 1/day (Sp)
15th——Wisdom +1
16th+1 to natural armorCleaveFreedom of movement 1/day (Sp)
17th——Storm giant affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Concentration checks
20thStorm giant affinity +21Water breathing (Ex)2Immunity to electricity (Ex)


Many hags have the ability to change their appearance, making it possible for them to interact with creatures of other races. Though horrible to contemplate, some use this ability to lure in mates, in the hopes that the offspring can help them further their evil plots. The descendants of a hag tend to be strong but ugly, and often share their ancestor's love of schemes.

Hag Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with hags.
4th+2 on Hide checks
12thStrength +1
16th+1 to natural armor
20thHag affinity +21


When he isn't murdering innocent townsfolk, the typical lycanthropic character may enjoy an almost entirely normal social life — even having a family. While the offspring of an afflicted lycanthrope might not share the curse itself, the bloodline might still pass its characteristics down the generations, allowing later descendants to display some of the lycanthrope's attributes. Regardless of the original animal stock, the carriers of lycanthropic bloodlines tend to share similar characteristics, including a feral stare and an overabundance of body hair.

Lycanthrope Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. If the base animal's Strength is higher than its Dexterity, it gains Power Attack. Otherwise, it gains Dodge.
  2. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with lycanthropes.
4th+2 on Search checks
8thPower Attack or Dodge1
12thConstitution +1
16thScent (Ex)
20thLycanthrope affinity +22


Horrid tales describe the fate of innocents carried away from their homes by marauding minotaurs - and the rare individual displaying a minotaur bloodline proves the truth of such stories. These characters have a savage look, with thick hair and sometimes even tiny stubs of horns.

Minotaur Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with minotaurs.
4th+2 on Search checks
12thStrength +1
16th+1 to natural armor
20thMinotaur affinity +21


A character with ogre blood is most likely the result of raids on humanoid settlements, but may also derive from the more intelligent and magically gifted race of ogre mages (in fact, all intermediate ogre bloodlines are actually ogre mage bloodlines). These characters may appear clumsy and brutish, but they can possess a high degree of cunning.

Ogre Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with ogres.
2nd—+2 on Climb checks
4th+2 on Climb checksPower Attack
6th—Strength +1
8thPower Attack+1 to natural armor
10th—Ogre affinity +21
12thStrength +1Darkness 1/day (Sp)
14th—+2 on Concentration checks
16th+1 to natural armorInvisibility 1/day (Sp)
18th—Charisma +1
20thOgre affinity +21Fly 1/day (Sp)


Whether as allies, tyrants, or objects of reverence, titans have on occasion interacted actively with lesser beings. In rare cases, these interactions have given rise to scions of great power — power that hides within rare mortals to this very day. Creatures with a titans bloodline tend to have wild emotional swings, and are generally large and powerful.

Titan Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with titans.
  2. As the titan special ability.
  3. If you are good, you gain daylight at 14th level and remove curse at 16th; if evil, deeper darkness and bestow curse; if neutral, 50% chance of either.
1st——+2 on Jump checks
2nd—+2 on Jump checksPower Attack
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Jump checksPower AttackLevitate 1/day (Sp)
5th——Titan affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Concentration checks
8thPower AttackLevitate 1/day (Sp)Improved Sunder
9th——Constitution +1
10th—Titan affinity +21Spell resistance 2 + HD
11th——Titan affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armorUse oversized weapon (Ex)2
13th——+2 on Knowledge (any one) checks
14th—+2 on Concentration checksDaylight or deeper darkness 1/day (Sp)3
15th——Intelligence +1
16thLevitate 1/day (Sp)Improved SunderRemove curse or bestow curse 1/day (Sp)3
17th——Titan affinity +61
18th—Constitution +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Sense Motive checks
20thTitan affinity +21Spell resistance 2 + HDDamage reduction 5/lawful


Though the origin of such a bloodline is almost too hideous to contemplate, there are nonetheless a few creatures who display a certain trollish fortitude. Such characters tend to bear many scars from old wounds, and are often ferocious in attitude.

Troll Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with trolls.
  2. You heal naturally at double normal rates.
2nd—+2 on Spot checks
4th+2 on Spot checksGreat Fortitude
6th—Constitution +1
8thGreat FortitudeDouble heal rate (Ex)2
10th—Troll affinity +21
12thConstitution +1+1 to natural armor
14th—+2 on Listen checks
16thDouble heal rate (Ex)2Power Attack
18th—Strength +1
20thTroll affinity +21Scent (Ex)


The vampire's powers of persuasion have led more than one weak-willed humanoid into its deadly clutch of intimacy. Though it seems impossible that any child could result from such a union, tales of humanoids possessing some of the vampire's physical and mental prowess abound. These pale, haunted creatures are inevitably cloaked in mystery and deception, for even good aligned descendants of vampires fear retribution from those mistaking them for the undead.

Vampire Bloodline Traits

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with vampires.
1st——+2 on Climb checks
2nd—+2 on Climb checksStealthy
3rd——Strength +1
4th+2 on Climb checksStealthyResistance to cold 5 (Ex)
5th——Vampire affinity +21
6th—Strength +1+1 to natural armor
7th——+2 on Search checks
8thStealthyResistance to cold 5 (Ex)Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
9th——Charisma +1
10th—Vampire affinity +21Lightning Reflexes
11th——Vampire affinity +41
12thStrength +1+1 to natural armorAlertness
13th——+2 on Sense Motive checks
14th—+2 on Search checksImproved Initiative
15th——Dexterity +1
16thResistance to cold 5 (Ex)Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)Suggestion 1/day (Sp)
17th——Vampire affinity +61
18th—Charisma +1+1 to natural armor
19th——+2 on Bluff checks
20thVampire affinity +21Lightning ReflexesDamage reduction 5/silver

Random Bloodline Determination

Bloodlines are best included as part of a character with both the game master and player working together to select an appropriate bloodline for the PC. However, if you want to generate a PC's bloodline randomly, use the following tables as a guide.

First, roll d% and consult Table 1-3: Bloodline Strength to determine the bloodline's strength. Then roll d% on Table 1-4: Minor Bloodlines, Table 1-5: Intermediate Bloodlines, or Table 1-6: Major Bloodlines to determine the source.

Table: Bloodline Strength

d% Bloodline Strength

Table: Minor Bloodlines

d% Bloodline Source
20Dragon, black
21Dragon, blue
22-23Dragon, brass
24-25Dragon, bronze
26-27Dragon, copper
28-29Dragon, gold
30Dragon, green
31-32Dragon, red
33-35Dragon, silver
36Dragon, white
37-40Elemental, air
41-44Elemental, earth
45-48Elemental, fire
49-52Elemental, water
58-60Genie, djinni
61-62Genie, efreeti
63-65Genie, jann
66-67Giant, cloud
68-69Giant, fire
70-71Giant, frost
72-74Giant, hill
75-76Giant, stone
77-79Giant, storm

Table: Intermediate Bloodlines

d% Bloodline Source
16-17Dragon, black
18-19Dragon, blue
20-21Dragon, brass
22-23Dragon, bronze
24-25Dragon, copper
26-28Dragon, gold
29-30Dragon, green
31-33Dragon, red
34-37Dragon, silver
38-39Dragon, white
40-44Elemental, air
45-49Elemental, earth
50-54Elemental, fire
55-59Elemental, water
66-69Genie, djinn
70-72Genie, efreeti
73-75Giant, cloud
76-78Giant, fire
79-81Giant, frost
82-84Giant, stone
85-87Giant, storm

table: Major Bloodlines

d% Bloodline Source
34-40Dragon, gold
41-47Dragon, red
48-57Dragon, silver
68-76Genie, djinni
77-83Genie, efreeti
84-90Giant, storm

Creating Other Bloodlines

Table: Bloodline Trait Distribution
Character Level Trait Gained
Minor Intermediate Major
1st——Skill boost 1
2nd—Skill boost 1Special 1
3rd——Ability boost 1
4thSkill boost 1Special 1Special 2
5th——Affinity +2
6th—Ability boost 1Special 3
7th——Skill boost 2
8thSpecial 1Special 2Special 4
9th——Ability boost 2
10th—Affinity +2Special 5
11th——Affinity +4
12thAbility boost 1Special 3Special 6
13th——Skill boost 3
14th—Skill boost 2Special 7
15th——Ability boost 3
16thSpecial 2Special 4Special 8
17th——Affinity +6
18th—Ability boost 2Special 9
19th——Skill boost 4
20thAffinity +2Special 5Special 10

The bloodlines described here are by no means a comprehensive list of all possible permutations. You might choose to create bloodlines of creatures not included here, to create more specialized celestial, demon, or devil bloodlines, or even to create more potent versions of the bloodlines here for use in your game.

Table: Bloodline Trait Distribution gives you the basic framework for bloodline traits. Over the course of twenty levels, a major bloodline boosts four skills (giving each a +2 bonus) and three ability scores (increasing each by 1). It grants a bloodline affinity at three stages (+2, +4, and +6) and provides ten special abilities. Intermediate bloodlines grant the first ten traits, spread out over twenty levels. Minor bloodlines grant the first five traits.

When creating a new bloodline, use those described above as guidelines for appropriate special abilities.