SRD - Download these web pages & other notes
Some notes on changes I have made to the System Reference Document (SRD) as downloaded from the official website
This material was originally downloaded from
(the original SRD in RTF format can be found here)
on the 17th of May 2004.
In general I tried to leave the text unchanged, although I have
reorganized it in some places. In addition, some topics were repeated
in more than one place, and for some of these I have combined the
information in a single place. This generally involved lots of cut and
paste and some editing and cleaning up. However all the important
original information should still be present
I have however, generated a number of creatures with the Celestial
and Fiendish templates applied, and included these. The main reason
for this was that the summon monster series of spells can call lots of
creatures with one of these two templates applied, and there are no
sample creatures with these templates in the SRD. So I applied each of
these templates to about 70 or 80 creatures (mostly animals), and have
included these. You can find links to lists of these extra creatures
by the appropriate template. The summon monster spells also link to
them as needed.
In some places however there were clearly mistakes and I have
attempted to correct these as listed below (also listed are any other
oddities I may have noticed -- subdivided into rough sections now):
Classes (non epic):
- Blackguard spell list -- changed "protection from elements" to
"protection from energy".
- Druid Animal Companions -- the Crocodile is listed both as a normal
animal companion and as a level -3 animal companion.
Magic Items (non epic):
- In the magic Items section several instances of "Create Wondrous
Item" were changed to "Craft Wondrous Item".
- In ring descriptions, the Ring of Elemental Command (Earth), the
reference to "soften earth or stone" to "soften earth and stone".
- The Ring of Elemental Command (Earth) says that it initially
appears to be a "ring of meld into stone". This ring does not exist in
the srd (As far as I can tell anyway).
- Wondrous items -- Chaos Diamond altered prerequisite of "random
action" to "lesser confusion".
- Wondrous items -- Hand of Glory altered prerequisite of "detect
invisibility" to "see invisibility".
- The Medium Wondrous item table enables you to randomly roll the
"Talisman of the Sphere", which is actually an Artifact!
- Ion stones -- Vibrant purple -- changed "as ring of spell
storing" to "as ring of minor spell storing" which matches the Vibrant
purple ion stone ability and text after table
- Cursed items -- Periapt of foul rotting -- changed "cure disease"
to "remove disease".
- Cursed items -- Robe of vermin -- mentions a "cloak of
protection" which doesn't exist in the SRD.
Spells (non epic):
- In the description for the Create Food and Water spell, "purify
food and water" was changed to "purify food and drink".
- In the description for the Mislead spell, references to "Improved
Invisibility" were changed to "greater invisibility".
- Added a short summary of the following spells for the spell lists:
- Armor of Darkness
- Blacklight
- Bolt of Glory
- Bolts of Bedevilment
- Crown of Glory
- Genesis
- Hardening
- Maddening Scream
- Surelife
- Touch of Madness
- True Creation
- In the above list of spells I also changed the text "1 action" to "1 standard action"
in the appropriate cases.
- The Spell Genesis appears twice in the SRD -- Once buried in the Epic section and
one in the Divine section. Seeing as the spells in the divine section are obviously
pre revision versions I use the one from the Epic section (they are similar but not
exactly the same).
- The spells and domains listed in the divine section are all pre revision.
I ignore the Rage and Undeath to death spells here as they are in the 'core spells' now
Genesis is also repeated here -- see earlier point on this spell.
- I have updated the domains (which mostly involved replacing non-existent spells) in the divine
section according to the update booklet which can be downloaded from the wizards of the coast website.
This affected the following domains:
- Charm
- Community
- Liberation
- Rune
- Weather
- In the Madness domain I also changed Random action to lesser confusion.
- In the community Domain I cannot finish updated domain as greater status is not
in SRD - It is in the update booklet only.
- Repose domain: This which is supposed to be for clerics barred from casting
evil spells (as it indeed says), but the 1st level spell has the [Evil] descriptor...
- Madness domain -- I know the granted power for this is not the most recent available because
I have seen an updated version in at least one book.
Monsters (non epic):
- In the stat block for the Tiger "Improved Natural Weapon" was changed to
"Improved Natural Attack"
- In Angel descriptions changed references to "circle of doom" to
"mass inflict light wounds"
- Avoral -- in descriptive text it says it has the tongues ability
but this is not mentioned anywhere else.
- Barghest -- changed "mass enlarge" to "mass enlarge person".
- Devourer -- changed "hypnosis" to "hypnotism".
- Werewolf Lord -- Human attack entry was slightly messed up.
- Ogre Barbarian -- missing a +1 before ring of protection in AC entry.
- For Mummy Lord changed "ring of minor elemental resistance" (which
doesn't exist in SRD) to "ring of minor energy resistance"
Divine characteristics/Abilities etc:
- Divine Characteristics in the travel section -- I changed a "teleport with-out error" to "greater teleport".
- Divine Battle Mastery -- Expertise to Combat Expertise.
- Divine Blast -- changed "protection from elements" to "protection from energy".
- Divine Ranger -- changed "wilderness lore" to "survival".
- Sunder and Disjoin -- changed "disjunction" to "mages disjunction". Also the last sentance is somewhat unclear as to
its meaning.
- Wound Enemy -- changed "healing circle" to "mass cure light wounds".
Epic Classes
- Epic Wizard: This class has the following non-epic
feats listed in the Epic feat lists: Combat Casting, Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration
and Spell Focus. Is this correct? this is the only class with non epic feats listed
and it seems odd that the get e.g. Spell Penetration and Epic Spell Penetration but not Greater Spell Penetration.
- Epic Psycic warrior refers to a non existent epic bonus feat list.
- Epic Wilder -- Is it correct that they get no bonus feats?
- In the Guardian Paramount and Perfect Wight Epic prestige classes I swapped "Epic Trapfinding" (which doesn't exist) for
"Trap Sense", though I am not 100% sure is this is the feat intended.
- Removed the Innuendo skill (which doesn't exist anymore) from the Perfect Wight Epic prestige class skill list. Also
in the Improved Legerdemain class feature description I changed "pick pocket" to "sleight of hand".
Epic Feats/Skills
- Is it Correct that neither Epic Weapon Focus or Epic Weapon Specilisation have the
Greater non-epic versions as prerequisites?
Epic Spells
- Eternal Freedom -- expanded hold to hold monster and hold person
- Damnation XP cost at end given incorrectly as 2000 (2400 is correct).
- Mummy Dust XP cost should be 400 not 2000.
Epic Magic Items
- In The Epic Armor ability description of "Negating" I changed "greater dispelling" to "greater dispel magic" in 3 places.
- Antimagic Armor (Specific Epic Armor) -- I changed "greater dispelling" to "greater dispel magic".
- Unholy Power (Epic weapon special ability) description -- I changed "unholy word" to "blasphemy".
- Rod of Epic Rulership -- I changed "Mass Charm" to "Mass Charm Monster"
- Bracers of Epic Health -- I changed "endurance" to "bears endurance"
- Bracers of Relentless Might -- I changed "endurance" to "bears endurance" and also "enlarge" to "enlarge person".
- Intelligent Item Extraordinary Powers table -- I changed "Telepathy" to "Telepathic Bond".
- Intelligent Item Awesome Powers table -- I changed endurance" to "bears endurance", "improved invisibility" to
"greater invisibility" and "teleport with-out error" to "greater teleport".
- Epic Intelligent Item Primary Abilities table -- I changed "Sunder" to "Improved Sunder" and "Expertise" to "Combat
Expertise". Also the table has Intuit Direction skill in it which doesn't exist anymore.
Epic Monsters
- Changed "teleport with-out error" to "greater teleport" in Atropal and Neh-Thalggu
- Changed "expertise" to "combat expertise" in Atropal, Hunefer, Leshay, Mercane, Neh-Thalggu,
Shadow of the void, Shape of Fire, Thorciasid and Titan (Elder).
- Changed "greater dispelling" to "greater dispel magic" in Atropal, Gibbering Orb and Leshay.
- Changed "improved invisibility" to "greater invisibility" in Atropal, Chichimec and Phane.
- Changed "sunder" to "Improved Sunder" in Hecatoncheires, Infernal and Phaethon.
- Removed Multidexterity from Hecatoncheires.
- Worm that walks template gives a +20 bonus to Intuit Direction which doesn't exist exist anymore.