Table: Goods and Services |
Transport |
Item |
Cost |
Weight |
Carriage |
100 gp |
600 lb. |
Cart |
15 gp |
200 lb. |
Galley |
30,000 gp |
— |
Keelboat |
3,000 gp |
— |
Longship |
10,000 gp |
— |
Rowboat |
50 gp |
100 lb. |
Oar |
2 gp |
10 lb. |
Sailing ship |
10,000 gp |
— |
Sled |
20 gp |
300 lb. |
Wagon |
35 gp |
400 lb. |
Warship |
25,000 gp |
— |
1 These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount. |
2 See spell description for additional costs. If the additional costs put the spell’s total cost above 3,000 gp, that spell is not generally available. |