Table: Epic Spell Mitigating Factors


Spellcraft DC Modifier

Backlash 1d6 points of damage (max d6 = caster’s HD x2)1


Burn 100 XP during casting (max 20,000 XP)


Increase casting time by 1 minute (max 10 minutes)2


Increase casting time by 1 day (max 100 days)2


Change from target, touch, or area to personal


Additional participants (ritual)

see Table: Additional Participants in Rituals

Decrease damage die by one step (d4 minimum)


Note: Mitigating factors are always applied after all epic spell factors (see above) are accounted for in the development of an epic spell.

1 The caster cannot somehow avoid or make him or her self immune to backlash damage. For spells with durations longer than instantaneous, the backlash damage is per round. If backlash damage kills a caster, no spell or method exists that will return life to the caster’s body without costing the caster a level—not even wish, true resurrection, miracle, or epic spells that return life to the deceased. Spells that normally penalize the recipient one level when they return him or her to life penalize a caster killed by backlash two levels.

2 When increasing the casting time of a spell in order to reduce the Spellcraft DC, a character must first “use up” the maximum of 10 minutes (for a total DC modifier of –20). After that, a character can continue to add days to the casting time, with a further modifier of –2 per day, up to the maximum of 100 days.

Additional Participants: Epic spells can be developed that specifically require additional participants. These spells are called rituals. An epic spell developed as a ritual requires a specific number of additional participants, who each must use up one spell slot of a specified level for the day. During an epic spell’s development, the spell’s creator determines the number of additional participants and the level of the spell slots to be contributed. If the exact number of spellcasters does not partake in the casting, or if the casters do not each contribute the proper spell slot, the epic spell automatically fails. To participate, each participant readies an action to contribute his or her raw spell energy when the primary caster begins the epic spell. Additional participants in a ritual spell reduce the Spellcraft DC, as shown on Table: Additional Participants in Rituals. Each additional participant may only contribute one spell slot. It doesn’t matter whether the additional participants are arcane or divine spellcasters; only the level of the spell slot contributed matters. A contributed spell slot is treated as if normally cast. A wizard may contribute either a prepared, uncast spell slot, or an open, unprepared slot. The Spellcraft DC adjustments for each additional participant stack.

Special: A ritual epic spell that takes longer than 1 standard action to cast requires all extra participants to stand as if casting for the same amount of time. If an extra participant is attacked while contributing a spell slot, the participant must make a Concentration check as if casting a spell of the same level as the slot contributed. If the attack disrupts the participant in the ritual, the epic spell is not necessarily ruined. However, the Spellcraft DC reduction that would have been provided by that additional participant cannot be applied to the final Spellcraft DC of the epic spell. Thus the ritual epic spell will be harder for the primary spellcaster to cast.

Table: Additional Participants in Rituals

Spell Slot Level Contributed

Spellcraft DC Reduction

Spell Slot Level Contributed

Spellcraft DC Reduction



















Epic slot
