Table: Epic Spell Factors


Spellcraft DC Modifier

Casting Time


Reduce casting time by 1 round (minimum 1 round)


1-action casting time


Quickened spell (limit one quickened action/round)


Contingent on specific trigger1


Components No verbal component


No somatic component




Increase duration by 100%


Permanent duration (apply this factor after all other epic spell factors but before mitigating factors)


Dismissible by caster (if not already)


Range Increase range by 100%




Add extra target within 300 ft.


Change from target to area (pick area option below)


Change from personal to area (pick area option below)


Change from target to touch or ray (300-ft. range)


Change from touch or ranged touch attack to target




Change area to bolt (5 ft. x300 ft. or 10 ft. x150 ft.)


Change area to cylinder (10-ft. radius, 30 ft. high)


Change area to 40-ft. cone


Change area to four 10-ft. cubes


Change area to 20-ft. radius


Change area to target


Change area to touch or ray (close range)


Increase area by 100%


Saving Throw


Increase spell’s saving throw DC by +1


Spell Resistance


Gain +1 bonus on caster level check to overcome target’s spell resistance


Gain +1 on caster level check to beat foe’s dispel effect




Recorded onto stone tablet5


Increase damage die by one step (d20 maximum)


Unless stated otherwise, the same factor can be applied more than once.

1 Each contingent spell in use counts as a slot used from the caster’s daily epic spell slots.

2 Seeds that already have an instantaneous or permanent duration cannot be increased.

3 When changing a targeted or area seed to a touch or ranged attack, the seed no longer requires a save if it deals damage, instead requiring a successful attack roll. Seeds with a nondamaging effect still allow the target a save. Area spells changed to touch or ranged attacks now affect only the creature successfully attacked.

4 When changing a touch or ranged attack seed to a targeted seed, the seed no longer requires an attack roll if it deals damage, instead requiring a saving throw from the target. On a failed saving throw, the target takes half damage. Area seeds changed to targeted seeds now only affect the target. The GM determines the most appropriate kind of saving throw for the epic spell.

5 Epic spells may only be inscribed on stone tablets or other substances of equal or greater hardness. Once a spell is so inscribed, another epic spellcaster can learn it without going through the process of development. Once an inscribed epic spell is learned by another epic spellcaster in this fashion, the tablet upon which it is inscribed is destroyed and cannot be mended.