To generate an epic scroll randomly, first roll on Table: Scroll Types to determine whether the spells are arcane or divine. An epic scroll contains 1d8 spells. For each spell, roll on Table: Epic
Scroll Spell Levels to determine its level and then on the appropriate section of Table: Actual Spell Levels to determine the spell’s actual level and total metamagic level adjustments. To
determine the specific metamagic level adjustments, roll on the appropriate section of Table: Metamagic Level Adjustment to Spells. To determine the spell, use the appropriate sections of the nonepic
scroll tables.
Relevant non-epic Spell Scroll Tables:
- Arcane Spell Scrolls
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 0 Table -- Randomly Generate 0th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 1 Table -- Randomly Generate 1st Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 2 Table -- Randomly Generate 2nd Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 3 Table -- Randomly Generate 3rd Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 4 Table -- Randomly Generate 4th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 5 Table -- Randomly Generate 5th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 6 Table -- Randomly Generate 6th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 7 Table -- Randomly Generate 7th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 8 Table -- Randomly Generate 8th Level Arcane Spells
- Arcane Spell Scrolls, Level 9 Table -- Randomly Generate 9th Level Arcane Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 0 Table -- Randomly Generate 0th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 1 Table -- Randomly Generate 1st Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 2 Table -- Randomly Generate 2nd Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 3 Table -- Randomly Generate 3rd Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 4 Table -- Randomly Generate 4th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 5 Table -- Randomly Generate 5th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 6 Table -- Randomly Generate 6th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 7 Table -- Randomly Generate 7th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 8 Table -- Randomly Generate 8th Level Divine Spells
- Divine Spell Scrolls, Level 9 Table -- Randomly Generate 9th Level Divine Spells