Most magic weapons only have enhancement bonuses. They can also have special abilities, such as those detailed below and nonepic abilities. A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.

Acidic Blast: On command, an acidic blast weapon drips acid (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this acid splashes the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus acid damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of acid damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus acid damage upon their ammunition.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, acid fog; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Anarchic Power: This weapon is chaos-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. When a weapon of anarchic power strikes a lawful target, this power deals +3d6 points of bonus chaotic damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of chaotic damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is x4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any lawful creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the anarchic power upon their ammunition. This special ability does not stack with the nonepic anarchic special ability.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, word of chaos; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Axiomatic Power: This weapon is lawful-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damager reduction. When a weapon of axiomatic power strikes a chaotic target, this power erupts forth and deals +3d6 points of bonus lawful damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of lawful damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is x4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any chaotic creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the lawful power upon their ammunition. This special ability does not stack with the nonepic axiomatic special ability.

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, dictum; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Distant Shot: A distant shot weapon can be used against any target within line of sight at no penalty for range.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, discern location; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Dread: A dread weapon excels at attacking one type of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +4d6 points of bonus damage against the foe, and if it scores a successful critical hit against the foe, that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 27) or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. (This even affects creatures immune to critical hits or death magic.) To randomly determine a dread weapon’s designated foe, roll on the following table.

Caster Level: 22nd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster IX; Market Price: +7 bonus.


Designated Foe


Designated Foe




Humanoids, orc




Magical beasts




Monstrous humanoids








Outsiders, air




Outsiders, chaotic




Outsiders, earth


Humanoids, aquatic


Outsiders, evil


Humanoids, dwarf


Outsiders, fire


Humanoids, elf


Outsiders, good


Humanoids, gnoll


Outsiders, lawful


Humanoids, gnome


Outsiders, water


Humanoids, goblinoid




Humanoids, halfling




Humanoids, human




Humanoids, reptilian



Everdancing: An everdancing weapon is much like a dancing weapon, though it can be loosed with a free action and will fight as long as desired. It can move up to 60 feet away from its owner. Its owner can instruct it to move to a different target as a move-equivalent action. If its owner is rendered unconscious or otherwise unable to direct it, it will fight the same opponent as long as that opponent is conscious and within range. The owner of an everdancing weapon can grasp it again as a free action (assuming it is within reach).

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Fiery Blast: On command, a fiery blast weapon is sheathed in fire (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this fire engulfs the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus fire damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of fire damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus fire damage upon their ammunition.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, fireball; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Holy Power: This weapon is good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damager reduction. When a weapon of holy power strikes an evil target, this power erupts forth and deals +3d6 points of bonus holy (good) damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of holy (good) damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is x4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any evil creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the holy power upon their ammunition. This special ability does not stack with the nonepic holy special ability.

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, holy word; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Icy Blast: On command, an icy blast weapon is sheathed in icy cold (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this cold washes over the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus cold damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of cold damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus cold damage upon their ammunition.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, cone of cold; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Lightning Blast: On command, a lightning blast weapon crackles with electrical energy (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, lightning coruscates around the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus electricity damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of electricity damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus electricity damage upon their ammunition.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, lightning bolt; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Mighty Disruption: Any undead creature struck in combat must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) or be destroyed. A weapon of mighty disruption must be a bludgeoning weapon. (If this property is rolled for a piercing or slashing weapon, reroll.)

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, true resurrection; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Sonic Blast: On command, a sonic blast weapon emits a low thrumming hum (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this becomes a thunderous roar that deals +3d6 points of bonus sonic damage to the creature struck. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of sonic damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus sonic damage upon their ammunition.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, shout; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Triple-Throw: This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. (If this property is rolled for a weapon that cannot be thrown, reroll.) A triple-throw weapon creates two duplicates of itself when thrown. Both the original and the duplicate weapons attack separately (at the same attack bonus). Regardless of the success of any of the attacks, the duplicates immediately disappear after the attack is completed. Any bonuses on damage due to accuracy or precision (including those from sneak attacks, the Precise Shot feat, or the ranger’s favored enemy bonus) apply only to the original weapon’s damage, not to the duplicates.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, shades; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Unerring Accuracy: Ranged attacks made with this weapon negate the AC bonus granted by any cover short of total cover. The weapon’s ranged attacks also ignore any miss chance from concealment (including total concealment, but the must still aim his or her attacks at the correct square).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, true seeing; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Unholy Power: This weapon is evil-aligned and this bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. When a weapon of unholy power strikes a good target, this power erupts forth and deals +3d6 points of bonus unholy (evil) damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of unholy (evil) damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is x4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any good creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the unholy power upon their ammunition. This special ability does not stack with the nonepic unholy special ability.

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, blasphemy; Market Price: +8 bonus.