d20 Modern System Reference Document



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A staff is a 4- to 7-foot-long, ornately wrought shaft of wood enhanced to cast a number of different (though often related) spells or psionic powers. Most staffs easily double as walking sticks or cudgels. A staff has a Defense of 7, hardness 5, 10 hit points, and a break DC of 24.

A staff of divine spells can be used only by a divine spellcaster, and a staff of arcane spells can be used only by an arcane spellcaster. Only creatures with psionic abilities can use a staff of psionic powers.

Using a staff is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A staff has 50 charges when new.

Purchase DC: Unless noted otherwise, a staff’s purchase DC is 24 + the staff’s caster level or manifester level + the total levels of the spells stored in the staff.

For a used staff with 25 charges, reduce the purchase DC by 2.

Examples of staffs include the following:

Staff of Fire: The staff has three uses, each identical to the corresponding arcane spell. Each time the staff is used, it depletes a certain number of charges.

  • Burning hands (5d4 points of fire damage; DC 13); uses 1 charge.

  • Fireball (9d6 points of fire damage; DC 15); uses 1 charge.

  • Wall of fire (DC 17); uses 2 charges.

Type: Staff (magic); Caster Level: 9th (arcane); Purchase DC: 43; Weight: 5 lb.

Staff of Illumination: The staff has three uses, each identical to the corresponding divine spell. Each time the staff is used, it depletes a certain number of charges.

  • Light; uses no charges.

  • Searing light (4d8 points of damage, or 9d6 points of damage to undead; Reflex save DC 15);

  • True seeing (lasts 9 minutes; Will save DC 17); uses 2 charges.

Type: Staff (magic); Caster Level: 9th (divine); Purchase DC: 41; Weight: 5 lb.

Staff of the Mind’s Eye: This staff has three uses, each identical to the corresponding psionic power. Each time the staff is used, it depletes a certain number of charges.

  • Brain lock (lasts 5 rounds; Will save DC 13); uses 1 charge.

  • Inflict pain (3d6 points of psychic damage; DC 15); uses 1 charge.

  • Whitefire (5d4 points of fire damage; Reflex save DC 17); uses 1 charge.

Type: Staff (psionic); Manifester Level: 9th; Purchase DC: 40; Weight: 5 lb.


Tattoos are single-use “items” containing a spell-like or psionic effect that affects only the bearer. They can be drawn or imprinted just about anywhere on the body; however, the bearer of a magic or psionic tattoo must touch it (and speak a command word) to activate its power, so tattoos are normally placed in easy-to-reach places.

Magic and psionic tattoos are permanent until activated or dispelled.

Activating a tattoo is an attack action, requires the utterance of a command word, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Purchase DC: A tattoo’s purchase DC is 15 + the tattoo’s caster level or manifester level + spell level or power level unless noted otherwise. The purchase DC includes the cost of drawing or imprinting the tattoo on the body.

Examples of tattoos include the following:

Tattoo of Body Adjustment: This tattoo has one of three effects, which the bearer chooses at the time of activation:

  • Instantly heal 3d6 points of damage.
  • Gain a +7 bonus on the bearer’s next Fortitude save to negate further damage from any one disease or poison currently afflicting the bearer.
  • Instantly heal 2 points of temporary ability damage.

Type: Tattoo (psionic); Manifester Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 20; Weight: —.

Tattoo of Natural Armor: This tattoo, when activated, covers the bearer’s skin in hard ridges that provide a +4 natural armor bonus to Defense. The effect lasts 7 minutes.

Type: Tattoo (psionic); Manifester Level: 7th; Purchase DC: 26; Weight: —.

Tattoo of Spider Climb: The bearer can climb and travel on vertical surfaces and ceilings for 30 minutes. The bearer gains a climb speed of 20 feet and need not make Climb checks to scale a surface. The bearer cannot take run actions for the duration of the effect.

Type: Tattoo (magic); Caster Level: 3rd; Purchase DC: 19; Weight: —.


A wand is a short stick imbued with the power to cast a specific spell 50 times. The spell must be 4th level or lower, and the wand cannot be recharged. A typical wand has a Defense of 7, hardness 5, 5 hit points, and a break DC of 16.

A divine spell wand can be used only by divine spellcasters, while an arcane spell wand can be used only by arcane spellcasters.

Using a wand is an attack action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A wand has 50 charges when new.

Purchase DC: Unless noted otherwise, a wand’s purchase DC is 24 + the wand’s caster level + the level of the spell stored in the wand. The purchase DC is for a fully charged wand. For a used wand with 25 charges, reduce the purchase DC by 2.

Sample wands include the following:

Wand of Animate Dead: This wand allows its user to cast animate dead.

Type; Wand (magic); Caster Level: 5th (divine); Purchase DC: 32; Weight: 1 lb.

Wand of Knock: A single charge from the wand opens as many as two locked, barred, stuck, or magically held mechanisms within 30 feet of each other (including locked doors and containers).

Type; Wand (magic); Caster Level: 3rd (arcane); Purchase DC: 28; Weight: 1 lb.

Wand of Web: This wand allows its user to cast web.

Type; Wand (magic); Caster Level: 3rd (arcane); Purchase DC: 28; Weight: 1 lb.