Ghoul Touch


Level: Sor/Wiz 2

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Touch

Target: Living humanoid touched

Duration: 1d6+2 rounds

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Imbuing you with negative energy, this spell allows you to paralyze a single living humanoid for the duration of the spell with a successful melee touch attack.

Additionally, the paralyzed subject exudes a carrion stench that causes all living creatures (except you) in a 10-foot-radius spread to become sickened (Fortitude negates). A neutralize poison spell removes the effect from a sickened creature, and creatures immune to poison are unaffected by the stench.

Material Component: A small scrap of cloth taken from clothing worn by a ghoul, or a pinch of earth from a ghoul’s lair.