Just like nonepic magic items, epic magic items sometimes possess intelligence of their own. Such items are fully sentient and should be treated as NPCs. The Random Epic Magic Items section details the chances that epic armor, shields, rings, rods, staffs, wondrous items, and weapons might be intelligent. In short, a ring, rod, staff, wondrous item, armor, or shield has a 1% chance to be intelligent, a ranged weapon has a 5% chance to be intelligent, and a melee weapon has a 15% chance to be intelligent. Rather than using the tables for nonepic items, use the tables below to determine the properties of an intelligent item: the number of powers, unusual properties, alignment, and special purpose of the item (if any). Of the three mental ability scores, two scores are favored (2d6 + some number) and one is completely random (3d6). Choose which scores get assigned which number, or roll 1d4 and determine randomly according to the following table.

The first step in determining the properties of a random intelligent epic magic item is to determine its general capabilities. These are found by rolling d% and consulting Table: Epic Items Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Capabilities.